It’s been a somber week and weekend. As Americans and as human beings, each of us bears the responsibility to value and to respect each other. We can show it by merely wearing a mask, or by doing our part to promote justice and fairness. We are fortunate to know people willing to go farther.
We had the opportunity over the past two weeks to team up with Ice Cream Emergency for a simple show of appreciation to some individuals who truly value the lives of others, and who, during the pandemic, put themselves at risk every day to help them.
The first week, Bedoukian Research and Danbury Hospital Foundation treated ALL employees who were working Friday’s day shift to a delicious cup of ice cream. It took 2 Ice Cream Emergency vehicles and a back up rescue cart to transport it at all.
Last week, Bedoukian provided 371 cups of ice cream to the hero’s at Ability Beyond’s residential programs and administrative team members in Connecticut and New York. The staff was appreciative and really enjoyed their sweet treat.
Everyone needs a bright spot now and then, and there’s nothing like ice cream!