Bedoukian Research, Inc. – Where Work is a Picnic!

Bedoukian Research has always focused on teambuilding as well as the morale of its employees, and during the warmer months, Bedoukian uses picnics to help meet both of these goals.

For over 25 years, Bedoukian has held summertime picnics for their employees.  Usually organized by Bedoukian’s Human Resources department, the weather websites are consulted and a day is picked for a mini-celebration.  Tents are then set up in the parking lot near the production facilities.  A barbeque grill is wheeled out and someone dons an apron and lights the grill to prepare fresh-cooked hotdogs and hamburgers.  Other entrees are also made available including pasta, chicken and sandwiches.  Side dishes, including a variety of salads, are present.   Usually a wide-variety of desserts also appear.  All of this food is out and available for the employees to enjoy during their breaks courtesy of the company.   

There are at least two picnics every summer season and sometimes even more. No matter how many picnics take place, good food and time spent engaging with co-workers are always on the menu.  The next Bedoukian picnic, and first one for 2024, is targeted to take place near the beginning of June (depending on weather.)

Said Caryn Hasseltine, Human Resources Director at Bedoukian, “Our picnics serve two primary goals.  They are a thank you to the employees for their hard work and dedication to Bedoukian.  They are also a way for our staff to interact with each other.  Depending on the employees and what department and building they are in, it may not be easy for the staff to engage with each other during the course of a typical work week.  Building a solid team is critical in today’s business world, and sharing some food on a nice summer day has proven to be a great way for Bedoukian to facilitate this objective.”

Employees also see the value of these company-sponsored gatherings.  “I look forward to the picnics,” said Gabe Rosen, Regulatory Affairs Coordinator, and a grill master during one of last year’s picnics.  “Yes, I enjoy the great food and taking a break to enjoy a nice day, but spending time with co-workers, who I may not get to see often, is the best part of the picnic. I learn more about what they are doing and they learn about my projects.”

The flavors and aromas from Bedoukian’s summertime picnics are enjoyed by its employees, but the team building that comes from the picnics is the best reward.